"Don't you have a day job, Blood Knight?" asked the Bartender.
"Lay off! It is the Midsummer Festival! It is our Holiday! Lunar Festival is all Moon, all Night Elf. Midsummer is all Sun, all High Elf. Ehhh, Blood Elf too!" insisted McTacky, deep into his drinks.
"What exactly is your job anyway?" asked the Bartender, "I've never heard you ever do any actual work since we reclaimed the Sunwell."
"Hey now! With the Sunwell's rebirth, us Blood Knights have chosen to embrace it and to forge for ourselves a new identity as they lead our people into a more promising future," said McTacky.
"A future where you don't do any work," said the Bartender.
"I happen to be one of the predaceous few to hold the rank of I am one of the Master Blood Knight. We have loads of responsibilities," said McTacky.
"Name one," said the Bartender.
"I hand out quests to Initiates," said McTacky.
"Whoa... slow down there. That sounds like too much excitement," said the Bartender.
"Pour me another drink," insisted McTacky
"During the Pandaria campaign I guarded members of the Reliquary..." said McTacky.
"Ohh! Did you meet the archaeologist Cymre Jones?" asked the Bartender, pouring McTacky another drink.
"Yes I did. But it is Coolidge the Blood Knight who is with her," said McTacky.
"So basically you watch other people do archaeology and tell Initiates to do their chores. Real hard work load," said the Bartender.
"I also have visions sometimes to save Seasonal Events," said McTacky.
"You hardly saved Love Is in the Air and the Lunar Festival," said the Bartender, "in fact I'd say you failed entirely at whatever you were attempting to do."
"I actually like the Midsummer Festival," said McTacky, finishing up his wine, "more!"
"You have had enough to drink," said the Bartender.
"I'll show you! I'll save the Midsummer Festival," said McTacky.
"The Midsummer FIRE Festival isn't at risk," said the Bartender.
"Huh?" asked McTacky.
"It is the Midsummer FIRE Festival! You kept missing the Fire part" insisted the Bartender, who McTacky couldn't remember the name of.
"Whatever," said McTacky, passing out.
Weird, more Déjà