"I have a new missions for each of you, it will take 24 hours," said McTacky.
"It is Noblegarden tomorrow, we were wanting time off, Commander," said Aeda Brightdawn.
"Noblegarden? Bah Humbug!" said McTacky, "these are critical missions!"
"Critical? It is for 'extra experience' again, isn't it?" asked Vivianne, sceptically.
"No!" lied McTacky.
Vivianne's lifeless eyes peered into McTacky's soul.
"Maybe," said McTacky.
The gaze from the Forsaken Mage pieced McTacky's mind. It burned!
"Of course it is!" admitted McTacky, breaking under the pressure.
The four followers groaned.
"That is all we ever do!" said Aeda, "it is pointless! The four of us are already skill capped."
"Only the new followers get to do the +gold missions with their Extreme Scavenger trait." defended McTacky.
"We want Noblegarden off!" said Rala.
"You are not getting a week off!" insisted McTacky, "this planet doesn't even celebrate Noblegarden! It isn't even spring here!"
"A day!" said Olin.
"A half-day! You get a half day for Noblegarden tomorrow," said McTacky firmly. He was the Commander of this Garrison and by the light, he was going to have a smidgen of respect around here.
The group of followers grumbled as they left the great hall. McTacky crossed his arms, irritated. He needed those Big Crate of Salvage for items inside to level up his new gold-finding followers. This half-day would delay plans.
That night was another cold night. It still felt like winter, far from the spring weather Silvermoon was now experiencing far away. McTacky rosed from his sleep by a noise outside..
Aloysius McTacky sat up in his bed. The sound was like a chain dragging across the ground.
"Who is there?" demanded McTacky, bellowing out into the dark.
"The Ghost of Noblegarden Past," lied Atain, Orc Warrior, Blacksmith, & Drudge. He was moving supplies from the forge across to the pile outside the great hall.
"Can you do your blacksmith-whatever more quietly, I am trying to sleep," said McTacky.
"Asleep already? You must have worked fast," said Atain.
"What do you mean?" asked McTacky.
"It is traditional for nobles and lords to hide coins (and sometimes treasure) inside painted chocolate eggs," said Atain.
"So?" asked McTacky, getting impatient.
"You are the Commander of this Garrison. So it is up to you to do that!" said Atain, rolling his eyes.
McTacky realised in horror that the Orc was right, he had to save Noblegarden!
Déjà vu! Wait... he's not even in supposed Silvermoon this time!
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