So it was Love is in the Air. I don't have the
[Big Love Rocket]. So I log into Wow for the first time in months.* I say hello to guildies who hadn't seen me in a while. But something was amiss.
Something was wrong.
What am I wearing!? |
What is that Tabard!? That isn't my
[Blood Knight Tabard]! I log in and check. It is the
[Huojin Tabard], I hadn't finished off the Huojin Pandaren Faction.
I didn't care about the
[Big Love Rocket] anymore. I was determined by the end of the day I would finish off the Huojin Pandaren Faction Rep and get rid of that tabard. So off to Shadow Labyrinth (or Shadow Labs if you are cool)!
Looking Good! |
But that wasn't enough. Not by far. I also noticed on my Rep List that Sho of The Tillers was the only one I wasn't Best Friends with. I couldn't let that stand. So I flew around Valley of the Four Winds gathering gifts for her. Eventually getting
[Friends on the Farm]
Not Shown: Flying Around, Staring at the Ground for Hours for Lighter Coloured Ground. |
So the Tiller now were done, right? I'd maxed the friendships and had all the cooking recipies. Yes, but No. I hadn't collected the 50
[Ironpaw Token] for the
[Cooking School Bell]. So I decided to do the Daily for the
[Ironpaw Token]. But... I may as well do the other dallies at Half Hill that were at the same spot.
Then I saw my Angeler's Rep was half way to Exalted, so there was no harm in doing the fishing quests too...
Then I realised it was 3am and I had spent the whole afteroon and night playing World of Warcraft and I had to get up for work in a few hours.
So I sleep. Work. Get back home and Log back into WoW. Try again for
[Big Love Rocket]. Do Dalies for Half Hill and the Anglers. Then I realise I can buy Grand Commendations to make it go faster. So I get the Grand Commendations I can, and dive into doing Dalies for Golden Lotus, Kalaxxi and Order of the Cloud Serpent.
So I find myself hooked again to World of Warcraft.
* Actually I popped on during Lunar Festival to see if anything was new, but that wasn't for long since there was nothing new.